Vision Statement
In the Early Years at Moorlands C of E Primary Academy, our staff are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for all children. We work as a team to ensure we provide high quality provision. We believe in providing a safe, vibrant and stimulating environment, with trusting, enabling and caring staff who help every child to reach their full potential.
The child is the centre of all learning and we plan provision around needs and interests to help develop a love of learning. We understand the importance of providing learning opportunities to encourage children’s thinking, questioning and problem-solving skills both inside and outside the classroom.
We are committed to giving our children the best possible start to school life. Teaching them to have self-belief; to persevere and to lead a healthy lifestyle to help them grow and develop now and in the future.
Our high expectations will enable children to develop socially, physically, intellectually and emotionally and to achieve their full potential. We will ensure that all our children are kept healthy and safe and that they achieve the knowledge and skills they need to start in Key Stage 1.

The overarching aim of our EYFS Curriculum is for all children to achieve their full potential and to ensure firm foundations for future learning. We want all children to –
- Feel safe and secure whilst being supported by knowledgeable and nurturing adults within the setting.
- Thrive in a well-resourced and stimulating learning environment.
- Use provision which is well matched to children’s needs and next steps in learning.
- Learn about how to stay safe and healthy in an ever changing world.
- Be challenged in their learning to ensure we all strive for ambitious learning goals.

At Moorlands, the children experience a play based curriculum which has a good balance of child initiated tasks which are complemented by adult-led activities. We have Starting Points for our half termly Topics and allow the children to direct our learning journey through their interests and lines of enquiry.
In Phonics we use the ‘Read Write Inc’ scheme to help develop children’s early reading skills. In Literacy we base all our learning around quality texts which is supplemented by ‘Talk for Writing’ to develop reading for pleasure; imaginative storytelling and writing. In Maths we follow the White Rose scheme of work to ensure firm foundations in number. This is all supplemented by the ‘Cornerstones Curriculum’ which provides projects and big ideas for us to explore.
Reception Starting Points
Term | Starting Point |
Autumn I | All About Me |
Autumn II | Traditional Tales |
Spring I | Winter, Snow and Ice |
Spring II | Spring and Growing |
Summer I | Minibeasts |
Summer II | Journeys |

The EYFS is made up of three prime areas of learning:
· Personal, Social and Emotional Development
· Communication and Language
· Physical Development
There are four specific areas of learning:
· Literacy
· Maths
· Understanding the World
· Expressive Arts and Design All seven areas of learning and development are important and interconnected. At Moorlands Primary Academy children are provided with a range of rich, meaningful first-hand experiences, in which children can explore, think creatively and are active. We provide a well-balanced curriculum and our planning ensures that each child has the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in every area of the EYFS. Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful activities and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated learning.

- Assessments are made in line with the EYFS framework.
- Each child will have a ‘Tapestry’ online learning journal which will contain regular observations and assessments.
- Daily practice includes observations of children’s development and progress.
- Discussions are held with all adults in EYFS about individual children’s development and next steps.
- Significant observations of children’s achievements are recorded in their online learning journeys which are shared with parents.
- Parents are invited to attend Parent Interviews in the Autumn and Spring terms to discuss their child’s learning journey and academic achievements in more detail.
- An end of year report is provided to all parents/carers on their child’s development against the seven areas of learning
- At the end of Reception children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals for each area of learning.