As a school we are committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all and engaging with the local community to promote these values. With this in mind, we are working towards becoming a School of Sanctuary. This page will be regulary updated with pictures, videos and pupil voice of our jounery.
Schools of Sanctuary is a growing network with more than 350 primary and secondary schools all committed to supporting the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, creating a culture of welcome, and raising awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers.
Schools play a crucial role in helping young people to make sense of the world, to become responsible citizens and to create positive change in their communities. As of June 2020, there were 26 million refugees in the world according the UNHCR, approximately half of whom were children.
As we are working towards our journery of becoming a School of Sanctuary, we aim to:
- Have a diverse and inclusive curriculum
- Be a welcoming school for all families
- Support local refugee charities
- Combat sterotypes about refugees and asylum seekers