SEND-Local Offer

SENDCo – Miss Lucy Rush

Contact Details: 01493 780007 /

At Moorlands Primary Academy, we understand that inclusion needs to be threaded through everything we do. We have high expectations for every child at Moorlands but understand that high quality teaching, support, adjustments and intervention are at the heart of inclusive practice and improving progress for our pupils with SEND. We know that making connections and communicating with parents/carers, health professionals, external agencies and the Local Authority helps us to find the most appropriate and effective support for pupils within our care.

The following documents will give you more information in relation to SEND and how school and home can support children. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact the school SENDco (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator) via the office:

General SEND Information

Norfolk Local Offer


Useful Links

Just One Norfolk

Norfolk Early Help

National Autistic Society

Autism Anglia

Norfolk and Waveney Speech and Language

Benjamin Foundation

Point One

British Dyslexia Association

Setting up Provision Map and Viewing your Child’s Learning Plan