We’re now into our first full week back and the curriculum is in full swing, with movement in Y1/2 PE, Music appreciation in Y3/4 and geography in Y5/6
It is the first morning back and already the children are working hard on their mathematics knowledge and understanding. Our KS1 children are using Numicon as a concrete resource.
Y4 Science
In science Robins class had a go at identifying smells, the children had 4 scents to smell then vote for their favourite using cubes. Afterwards the scents were revealed and Robins favourite smell was washing detergent!
British Science Week
As part of British Science Week, pupils in Year 5 and 6 have been taking part in different team challenges. Today, Deer Class were asked to build the tallest tower they could from just paper and tape, which then had to hold an egg for 10 seconds without it breaking.
UKLA Non-fiction Picture Book Award
Some of our Year 5/6 children have been busy judging the 2023 UKLA Non-Fiction Picturebook Award. There was lots of intense discussion and some very different opinions, but they were all happy with the book chosen as the winner. It will be announced at an awards ceremony later in the year.
Live Music Event
The Norfolk Music Hub visited school performing a range of music and also talking the children through some of their instruments.
Y5 and 6 Environmental Art Project
Year 5 and 6 created a range of art pieces using small pieces of plastic. These fantastic art pieces were created using plastic that otherwise could have ended up in the ocean. A big thank you to Miss Love for organising this and to our parents and carers who provided the plastic!