We offer Breakfast & After School Club in the Hub every day during term time for children in Reception through to Year 6.
Breakfast club runs from 7.30am at a cost of £5 per session and After School Club runs from 3-5.30pm at a cost of £8.00 per session.
All children are offered breakfast when they arrive in the morning and in the afternoons the children are given a drink & biscuit when After School Club starts, hot food is served between 4-4.15pm. A menu can be seen below.
All children will have access to various games and resources during their time in both clubs, we have a TV and DVD player with various films for them to watch. There is also a Wii for the children to play games on.
They also have access to outside where they can play on the playground and the KS1 trim trail, dependant on the weather.
We have 2 members of staff for both clubs each day, who are all first aid trained. There is also a contact number for the club in an emergency and the school office is not open:
School office Telephone: 01493 780007
Emergency Club No: 07883126803
All booking forms can be accessed via the links below and the terms and conditions for the clubs.
Extended Schools Booking Form Summer 2024
Extended Schools Booking Form Spring 2024

If you need further information, please contact the school office or email: enquiries@moorlands.dneat.org.