There will be a disco on Friday 6th March costing £2.00. If you have not already purchased a ticket or have not received a letter please go to the office to collect one.
All payments must be returned in a named envelope with permission slips. Tickets will then be issued.
KS1 Disco (Reception, Y1 & 2) 3:45pm-4:45pm (**NO NURSERY PUPILS):
Please bring your child’s disco clothes into school on the day of the disco in a named bag. Children will get ready in classrooms after school and be taken to the disco at 3:45pm by a member of staff. Please collect your child at 4:45pm via the side entrance to the school.
KS2 Disco (Yrs. 3, 4, 5 & 6) 5:00pm-6:00pm:
Please enter the disco via the side entrance to the school at 5:00pm.
**A light snack and drink will be provided to all children.