Personal Development

At Moorlands, we take a planned approach to personal development. We know that many children at our school face additional barriers to learning in their daily lives, and it is vital that this does not stand in the way of becoming a safe, healthy and informed member of society.

When thinking about our Personal Development offer, we break our provision down into a series of headings:


This incorporates all aspects of the PSHE / RSHE curriculum, including sex education. Find out more by clicking HERE

Wider Safety Work

It is important to ensure that our children can be safe citizens. This includes online safety as well as personal safety.

Online Safety – Click HERE

Personal Safety – Through the year we have visitors who teach us about road safety, fire safety and stranger danger. Our Year 6 children also visit a safety roadshow to learn about water safety.

Safeguarding – Click HERE

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)

As a Church of England school, we feel that the development of SMSC is very important. We provide daily collective worship where children have the opportunity to learn about the world and how people of different beliefs and religions can live peacefully. We look at our school values, and think about how we can show them in our daily lives. Through our wider experiences, such as trips and visitors, children can experience the awe and wonder that life has to offer.

British Values

We use a variety of methods to teach our children what it means to be British. Click HERE to find out more.

Wider Development Opportunities

A series of wider opportunities have been planned out for children. Our core aim is to ensure that ALL children have access to a wide range of life experiences that will help to break down their barriers:

(click on the headings for further information)

Junior Leaders – Children at Moorlands get to experience real leadership and instigate lasting change for their school and community.

Courageous Advocacy – It is important that children stand up for their beliefs and develop balanced and informed viewpoints. Our annual CA programme allows for this to be developed over time.

The School Dog – Our school dog offers children the chance to show and share affection with Lily the cockapoo. Lily is a support for some of our children who have much going on in their lives.

Breakfast Club – It is important to start the day in the right way. Our FREE breakfast club allows ALL children to have a good meal and an active start to the day.

After School Clubs – We offer a wide variety of clubs throughout the year. We try and select clubs that will develop children’s interests in wider curriculum areas – art, music, computer science, farming, languages etc. in the hope that eyes will be opened and barriers overcome.

Trips and Visits – Our children go on a wide range of visits to enrich their curriculum

What do our children think?

Pupil Voice 2024