Message from Ryan Freeman, Executive Head Teacher

I would like to welcome you to our wonderful Academy.

The staff and governors are proud to have a school that strives to cater for every child and constantly pushes to improve the quality of education that it provides. We are delighted to have been graded as a ‘GOOD’ school by OFSTED in January 2019. We feel that this recognises the amazing work carried out in our school each and every day.

One of the main strengths of our school is teamwork and that everyone who works at our school makes every effort to create a happy and caring environment. We consider you to be part of our ‘team’ and ask that you help encourage your child to participate fully in all aspects of school life.

We are part of the DNEAT family and our strong Christian values guide us in all we do. We believe that childhood is a precious gift and we aim to make the most of every day. The children and staff of Moorlands know that our values are embedded in every element of the school life, and through our collective worship and R.E. lessons we are able to learn about the Christian teaching behind each one.

At Moorlands we aim to be as welcoming as possible, and our door is always open. If there is anything that you need to know or if you are concerned about something, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help.

House Points